I am alone, awakening to my day.
Sitting by the river, I watch the morning sun bathe the canyon walls in terra cotta.
And where is thought?
Face tilted to the light, eyes closed, I settle into stillness. Slow, steady, and deep, breath finds its own gentle rhythm. Thought aligns at one central point, and Presence envelops me.
No backwards regret or forward worry. I am here, now. I feel the peace of Presence – beautifully empty, yet full.
A gentle current of gratitude bathes each facet of my life. From deep within, I feel Abundance bubble up – full of belonging, connection, purpose, provision, well being, inspiration, activity, creativity, the presence of the Divine.
Openness, trust, patience, humility, forgiveness, temperance, compassion fill my thought. It is Grace welcomed and embraced.
I know that all is well…not just said.
What is this Love that I feel?
She is Mind – who knows, creates, prospers and protects each of Her ideas. She is Power – tender, embracing, solid, safe. She is Presence, ever constant, active. My very being.
And what does Love tell me today?
I am… and you are. We are One.
I affirm, “I am."“I am unlimited, free, blessed, joyous, grateful, aligned, ready, alert, listening, open, calm, clear, expectant, inspired....”
Today, I plant seeds of new affirmations that arise and, with repetition, will gradually root deep within.
Their blossoms will become fragrant and familiar, and I'll scatter their pedals in my morning bath.
I am washed, clean. No fear, doubt, or limitation. No layers of resentment, frustration, or lack. This knowing clothes me in a garment of gladness and expectation.
I walk in the presence of Love. |