The Land of Shifting Borders

Come along on our jam packed trip to the beautiful country of Slovenia.


“We’re going where?!?” A couple months ago, I couldn’t tell you the first thing about Slovenia (the small European country caught between Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Austria). 

I embarked on this Honest Heart Journey as a whole family affair - with two of my sisters, a cousin and my mom. What I found was the most magical place I have ever had the privilege of visiting. Here are some of my highlights.

Our group quickly discovered that Slovenia’s capital city of Ljubljana has the best pizza you’ll find. As I ate slice after slice, I got to know the other women in the group and bonded with them over our shared love for sustainability, eco-friendly tourism and international politics.

As our group’s co-leader, Ellen, helped explain to us, Ljubljana and Slovenia both have a fascinating history. The first nation to separate from Yugoslavia after Tito’s death, Slovenia endured a very trying first couple of months. In a relatively short time, neighbors were separated by a national border and no one knew which important trade partners would remain after the shift. 

The small, new nation struggled to escape the influences of the much larger, powerful countries around it. Perhaps Ljubljana was aided by the mountains and heavy forests that surround it. The capital city certainly feels like an untouched, pristine bubble in the world - filled with warm, welcoming locals and a great variety for us gelato-lovers!  

Throughout the drive along the Soča valley to the mountain city of Kobarid, I passed the time sorting through my racing thoughts as I ruminated over the uncertainty of my future. There are still more questions than answers! 

I’m currently a student thinking about my professional career, so having the time to be intentional about my introspection was highly valuable to me. 

River rafting along the Soča River the next day was hands-down my favorite activity of the entire trip! The breathtaking serenity of the entire river region had a deeply calming effect on the jumble of thoughts the previous day’s drive had brought up. Rafting brought out everyone’s youthful, energetic and adventurous spirits! 

Slovenia’s beautiful natural environment shined especially bright in Kobarid. I have no doubt the pictures we took of a nearby bridge over the shockingly turquoise river will be featured as many of our screensavers. 

In our next town, Celje, we continued to enjoy the best meals. We made our own potica (a traditional Slovenian pastry) and shared great conversations with some fascinating local women. 

We arrived in Celje just in time for a city-wide festival that had the cobblestone streets ringing with children’s laughter and all kinds of music. The bright sunsets also contributed to the overall magical atmosphere. 

Lake Bled was our last stop, and it absolutely lived up to the hype surrounding it. The city surrounds a beautiful lake with a castle overlooking it, and truly feels like the fabric of fairy tales.

The mist that rolled in made the surrounding mountains intriguingly mysterious and encouraged us to enjoy relaxing spa time and much-needed self-care routines. These last couple days at the lake were full of laid-back lakeside strolls and deep, meaningful conversations amongst the group. 

In a suite overlooking the lake, we each shared our stories and the product of all our introspection throughout the trip. 

I am so grateful that Honest Heart Journeys afforded me the privilege of connecting with such a dynamic group of women. Together, we repeatedly asked ourselves what it means to have an honest heart and, after my experience with these women on our Slovenia adventure, I’m starting to realize that an honest heart combines the openness, compassion and abundance of love that each group member had to offer. 

Can’t wait for the next Journey!